Wild horses... his and hers..... this two-panelled work evokes horses on the range, in their natural environment, free to be. The piece is created on wooden canvas boxes, as you can see from the pictures some of the grain of the wood is visible o the top and bottom ofthe work. This also allows for a smooth and almost translucent surface, on which the mediums of acrylics, inks and archival spray create our horses.
The piece is gallery wrapped meanig aldo paited on the sides - in this case, wooden sides, see the attached photos, for an truly uniqueand substantial work.
Each panel of this quine artworks is 30"H x 40"W x 2"D, so the overall length of the work is 80". It can be hung with the pieces placed right next to each other or you can leave a little air space - I would say less than an inch - and the work will look wonderful.
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